Past presenters include:
- *Beth Nielsen
Hit Songwriter/Performer, hit songs covered by
Faith Hill, Elton John, Willie Nelson , Nashville,
- Jason Bloom,
Hit Songwriter, charted hits on Country, Pop and
Rap, author, Nashville,
- Ralph Murphy,
Head of Creative Services, ASCAP, Nashville,
- Tim Johnson, Hit Songwriter, Nashville,
- Rick
Hit Songwriter/Teacher Kerrville
Music School/Regular staff of NSAI Songcamps, Nashville,
- Sherrill Blackman,
Publisher, Nashville,
- Jon Ims, Hit Songwriter (She's In Love With
The Boy)/Regular staff of NSAI Songcamps, Nashville,
- Phil Galdston, Grammy Award winning Hit
Songwriter/Producer, "Save The Best For Last" NYC,
- John Braheny,
Songwriter/Author The Craft &
Business of Songwriting Los Angeles
- Pat Pattison, Songwriter, author,
professor Berklee School of Music, Jack Perricone,Head of the Songwriting Dept. Berklee School of Music, Boston